For over 20 years, our cacti, succulents and euphorbia programme has been growing on volcanic soil, under the incredibly strong Canarian sun. Due to our family-owned location in Tenerife, we are able to cultivate over one million cacti annually on a total area of over 10 hectares.
cacti annually. The advantage of outdoor production lies above all in the lasting health of the plants - due to the constant sunlight,
the nutrient-rich volcanic soil and the climate, which is generally important for plant growth. As a result, we achieve stronger growth, incomparably radiant colours and particularly pronounced spike development here. Top quality is and was our claim - no greenhouse can match the natural strength of this climate in our view - and ultimately this pays off for the customer in the form of long-lasting plants.

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Apartado de correos 19
Acceso El Atajo N°3
E-38480 Buenavista del Norte
CIF: B38434676
Tenerife / ESPAÑA
Tfno: 0034 922 127 473
Fax: 0034 922 127 561

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